Our Story


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Annalie Eybers founded the Annomalie School of Mathematics. She is extremely passionate and knowledgeable in the field of Advanced Mathematics and specialises in providing students displaying maths talent an opportunity to excel.

Annalie has been teaching Advanced Programme Mathematics since 2009. The online system with comprehensive videos and notes, covering every single topic in the AP maths syllabus, was established in January 2017 when she relocated from East London to Pretoria. Students in East London could still benefit from the phenomenal AP maths programme by attending weekly lessons in East London where a facilitator uses Annalie’s pre-recorded lessons in the classroom. Students thrived because of the added benefit of being able to watch the videos again in their own time at home.

In 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic caused online learning to become an essential service. Qualified and experienced AP maths teachers are scarce and students made extensive use of the Annomalie videos and notes.

Annalie then joined hands with a very creative and experienced maths teacher and developer, Sandri du Plessis. Together they are expanding the business and more and more teachers are making use of the videos and comprehensive notes in their classrooms. They are taking a  huge burden off the shoulders of teachers with the setting of exam papers and providing all these services at very reasonable pricing.

Annalie and Sandri will continue to grow until every single student from Gr.9-12 has access to the amazing world of Advanced Mathematics.